Marshmallow, but not as you know it
Mallow & Marsh is a melt-in-the-mouth smooth experience that redefines people’s perception of marshmallows! Whisked to perfection with no artificial flavours or colourings.
Premium Appeal
Pouches & Bars
Healthier Indulgence
Low in Calories
Best of British Appeal
Indulgent Treat
Great with a Hot Drink
Inspired by a £50 bet that she couldn’t whisk up a batch of marshmallows in her own kitchen, Harriot Pleydell-Bouverie founded Mallow & Marsh in 2013 with nothing but an electric whisk and a dream to put good marshmallows on the map. From just 79 calories per serving, Mallow & Marsh has fewer calories than most of the usual suspects on the chocolate confectionery shelf with absolutely no compromise in indulgence. Mallow & Marsh also tastes different to how people think marshmallows will taste. Whisked to perfection with no artificial flavours or colourings, the experience of biting into a Mallow & Marsh is a melt-in-the-mouth smooth experience that redefines people’s perception of marshmallows!