Breakfast Insights - Guest Feature with MOMA Foods
Lockdown saw Brits indulging in comfort food for breakfast – and lots of it. Now a shift to healthier comfort eating looks to be on the agenda. Yet, quick and convenient ways to enjoy a hassle-free nutritious breakfast remain true.
While some have Breakfasts been known to contain a surprising amount of sugar, today's convenience shopper expects to find delicious combinations of real honest ingredients, focusing on wellness and functional benefits. People are better educated about their health, watching calorie intake and reading labels. Breakfasts still have to hit the sweet spot of functional benefits and indulgence, and retailers have to ensure their healthy proposition actually rings true. Katherine Lambert, Social Media & Partnerships Manager at MOMA Foods, helps explain why this should matter to Independent Retailers.
Health and Comfort Go Hand in Hand
Over the past year we have seen more people taking notice of the health credentials of their breakfasts, with 75% of respondents to a Grocer survey answering that a healthy breakfast is ‘very’ or ‘quite’ important to them. At MOMA we’ve always focused on the great health benefits and taste of oats. The British jumbo oats we use contain all three parts of the grain and do an incredible job of keeping you full for longer as well as creating the signature creamy texture of our porridge.The launch of our new no added sugar porridge sachets in September has met the demands for a healthy breakfast option while also allowing consumers to make up the sachets using their milk of choice.
When lockdown measures were introduced in March last year, there was an initial surge in demand for ‘comfort breakfasts’ which are often extremely high in sugar, but as the dust settled on the new normal, the demand for a healthy breakfast replaced this. A Harris interactive survey has shown that oats are the most popular ingredient for a healthy breakfast with 56% of respondents selecting oats as their preferred healthy breakfast option. Our new porridge range ties together an element of comfort with exciting flavours and convenient format, but also ticks the boxes in terms of a healthy, oaty option.
The quality of ingredients we use and our signature blend of British jumbo oats and oat flakes set us apart from other brands. As a passionate team of foodies we also strive to create on trend flavour combinations that are totally unique.
The Healthier Breakfast Trend
41% of occasions (Kantar 2020) before noon are classed as healthy. As a result of the pandemic we saw a huge increase in online sales via our website. Demand for convenient breakfasts remains strong and retailers should know this is only set to grow with the country opening back up. With consumers considering the health benefits of what they eat and drink more and more we believe the healthier breakfast trend will influence decision making when consumers are shopping online or instore.
We believe that the healthier breakfast trend will be here to stay for 2021 and beyond, and that our porridge sachets work well for people in and out of home should people start returning to offices. We think the flexibility our new sachet format offer is desirable and allows consumers a healthy yet convenient breakfast option.
Wholesale Breakfast Brands with Epicurium
Having a wider selection of breakfast ranges also not only begins opening existing customers to a wider selection of options, but also help to attract a new audience to your business and helps keeps a sense of wellness during these difficult times.
Key to achieving this success is the ability to react quickly to trends, keeping stock levels nimble and finding the right mix of popular challenger brands and niche new finds. If you're interested in keeping up with the latest health trends for 2021, then we are the ideal partner to work with.
To discover more about the world of healthier breakfast browse our website or alternatively get in touch with a member of our team to discuss how to integrate new ranges into your snack and drink mix.