Meet Adonis

How did it all start?

Adonis keto snack bars were born out of frustration from the lack of low sugar / carbohydrate snack bars on the market. Ingo the founder was working long hours in London and found it was very difficult to find low sugar, natural snack bars that didn’t spike his blood sugar levels finishing with an energy crash. Ingo decided to create a low sugar, natural snack bar using nuts as the base providing long lasting energy.


What is ADONiS about?

Adonis bars combine the best of both worlds... from sports nutrition and natural snack bar categories. Adonis bars have less than 5% sugar but are also 100% natural i.e. no artificial sweeteners. Not only that all Adonis bars are suitable for vegans. The new high protein bars are the only triple layered, plant based, high protein bars on the market! The high protein bars have soy protein crispies on the outside and nut butter paste running through the middle giving them a unique taste with a crunchy outer and smooth, creamy inside.


What is the Keto diet?

The ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate (20-30 grams of net carbs per day) diet. When we eat less sugar and more healthy fats, we enter ketosis, and consequently, your body burns fat instead of carbohydrate for fuel. Ketosis provides a lot of health benefits. We can potentially; improve heart health, enhance cognitive function, decrease inflammation, increase fat burning, suppress hunger and lose weight. A ketogenic diet is successful for a lot of people because it’s simple and sustainable – it becomes a lifestyle more than a diet.


Who will ADONiS appeal to?

Year to date ADONiS has launched four new products (three keto bars & one MCT Oil). Our intention is to continually re-invest into new product development so every year we remain at the fore front of innovative keto products. All new products must fit the brand ethos of natural, functional, plant based and low sugar.


One fun fact about the brand?

There are no other triple layered, plant based, keto friendly, low sugar, high protein bars with added vitamins on the market! KETO was the most googled food related topic in 2020 with 25.4 million searches!



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