Blockhead Gum - logo blockhead

Energy Gum

Hits like an espresso, but faster

  • Sports Nutrition Brand
  • Informed-Sport Certified
  • Zero Aspartame Gum

BLOCKHEAD is a sports nutrition brand that offers consumable products to deliver a function in the fastest and most efficient way possible for the consumer.


Zero Calories


HFSS Compliant

Blockhead Gum - green tick brand profiles

Great for Active Lifestyles

Blockhead Gum - green tick brand profiles

Great for Gyms

Blockhead Gum - green tick brand profiles

Great for an Energy Boost

Key Reasons to Stock Blockhead Gum

  • Rapid Caffeine Absorption: BLOCKHEAD Energy Gum offers 50mg of caffeine per gum, which is absorbed faster by chewing and bypassing the gut, delivering effects within 5 minutes.
  • Health-Conscious Features: The gum is sugar-free, gluten-free, and contains zero calories and no aspartame, aligning it with health and diet trends. It's also vegan-friendly and HFFS-compliant, appealing to a wide audience aiming for healthier lifestyle choices.
  • Convenience and Efficiency: BLOCKHEAD offers a portable and convenient way to get an energy boost, making it ideal for sports, work and daily energy needs.
A Blockhead Gum sign behind some runners
Blockhead Gum packets next to a branded rugby ball
A Blockhead Gum banner behind a blurred running trainer going passed

BLOCKHEAD Energy gum delivers 50MG of caffeine that is absorbed as people chew. This means caffeine gets into the bloodstream up to 5 times faster than drinks or shots. The gum is sugar-free and contains no calories.

Click here to Shop Blockhead Gum
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