Gluten, Dairy, Nut Free and Vegan Snacks
Creative Nature aims to deliver delicious without a doubt food. The ultimate free from brand trusted by the allergy community to deliver great products that are safe for all!
Certified Free From
Gluten Free
UK Manufactured
Sustainable Packaging
Consumer Mission 1
Consumer Mission 2
Consumer Mission 3
Roughly 20% of the UK population suffers from food intolerances and over 2 million people in the UK suffer from food allergies. Creative Nature's mission is to create great-tasting snacks, baking mixes and superfoods that are safe for anyone who suffers from any of the Top 14 Allergens. Creative Nature doesn’t think that dietary restrictions, intolerances or allergies should stop you from having food that’s ‘delicious without doubt’ Creative Nature’s products have won a whole range of awards, proving top 14 allergen-free doesn’t have to mean taste-free. Creative Nature's healthy snack bars have won more Great Taste Gold stars than any other cold-pressed range in history!
In the Quality Food Awards 2020, Their Creamy Mylk Magibles the Vegan Snacking Category while our HazelNOT Magibles won the Free from Sweet Snacks Category. Not to mention, as a business, Creative Nature won the Food and Drink Business of the Year West London Business Award 2022 and was crowned National SME of the Year in 2018 at the FSB awards.