Looking After Your Employee and Shopper Wellbeing

People really love snacking. But, let's be real; who can go from a 12pm lunch to a 7pm dinner without feeling a little bit peckish around the 3 o'clock mark.

With a growing culture aimed at actively encouraging and promoting healthier lifestyle choices, wellbeing in the workplace is fast working its way from just a buzz topic to required norm for current & prospective employees.

As we know, the UK has a lengthy reputation for spending the longest hours at work, especially for those in corporate environments. Sat down in front of a monitor for hours at a time, most workers tend to go for a for the quick unhealthy snack between tasks rather than opposed to taking the time for a full-fledged nutritionally balanced meal. While in some organisations, healthy snacking is positioned as a major employee perk, a trend that is largely disappointing.

It's time to step things up in the workplace with some healthier opportunities by understanding what wellness truly means.

The very characterisation of wellness is defined as the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal. So, understanding how people flourish especially in workplaces while always keeping in mind that their physical and mental wellbeing will change over time as lives and relationships evolve is the best practice to being responsive and dynamic. The most important and yet easiest solution to guarantee wellness is looking at the relationship between food and wellbeing.

How Wellness and Healthy Snacks in the Workplace go Hand in Hand

When it comes to eating in the workplace, corporate-provided food options are somewhat of a double-edged sword. On one hand, they bring people together, build relationships, and position companies as a great place to work. On the other hand, unhealthy food items take away from employee well-being, potentially increasing absences due to diet related sickness which then in turn negatively impacts workforce productivity.

Today’s workforce is more mindful towards the importance of healthier, clean eating as they fully understand the benefits it has on concentration, motivation and overall sense of wellbeing. Bearing this in mind, it’s time to improve the way you cater for your employees and colleagues snacking needs.

For those workers returning to office spaces for the first time in months, as well as those continuing on from home, many will be expecting interesting and healthier for them snacks in the office pantries and corporate snack boxes especially coming out of the pandemic. In the age of social media, when majority of people believe a snack has the kudos to be ‘Instagram-worthy’, you can guarantee it will be snapped and will soon spread around to the entire team that it’s the next big product to try, while also being inferred that the company has put in the effort to consider the employee’s wellbeing, which in turn has knock on effect producing better work-related results, retention and recruitment.

If you’re wondering, could employees bring their own snacks in a desk drawer? Of course, most people do. However, we’re all human, and sometimes our organisational skills fail us especially on days when what can go wrong will go wrong.

So, help your employees and be their hero on their quest for healthy eating by making sure your company fridges, cupboards, and vending machines are always stocked with healthy, delicious snacks. Consider introducing new formats such snack boxes, dedicated vending machines etc and unique flavours on a regular basis. Also, always take in to account shelf life, especially ambient meal solutions and pre-packaged snack items. A little care goes a long way with employees, especially those who are already stressed from work/life/health balances. Why not get started with this selection of healthy snacks that support your corporate wellness programme?

social employees improving workplace wellbeing

Why Wellness & Clean Eating Healthy products Spell Profits for Retailers. 

The food and drinks industry are continuously witnessing a huge shift in consumer behaviour since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, with many consumers cooking healthier meals from scratch, turning to food groups with an emphasis on immunity and with the onset of returning to the office and summer holidays ending, looking to carefully count those calorie numbers.

It seems more than ever now; these new habits are here to stay. According to a recent survey from meal-kit company HelloFresh, 32% of Brits admit that their eating habits will change forever post-lockdown, with 30% saying they have wasted less food since lockdown began, and over 23s keeping a closer eye on calorie intake.

As experts in wholesome snacks, the team at Epicurium have compiled a curated range of the best healthy snacks - from sure fire hits to some of the freshest , delicious new brands on the market. With a quick turnaround of 24-48 hours, no minimum order quantity and free delivery on orders over £80, our team here at Epicurium can have you tapping into the best ranges to support health, wellness and most important, happiness in your shoppers & employees.

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